Our Massive Transformative Purpose

By Frank Ricotta

About a year after we founded BurstIQ, we found ourselves in a slump. Development was going well, and we were bringing on new customers, but I felt like we had lost sight of our vision. We had fallen into a common startup trap: we had begun to describe ourselves the way we thought others wanted to see us, not how we saw ourselves. We lost our ‘why’. Why are we taking on this challenge? Why keep going? Why deal with the frustrations? And because we lost our ‘why’, we lost our way, we lost our passion, we lost our joy.

We had fallen into a common startup trap: we had begun to describe ourselves the way we thought others wanted to see us, not how we saw ourselves. We lost our ‘why’.

So, I asked our team to share with me what they thought our ‘why’ was. To borrow from Salim Ismail’s book, Exponential Organizations, I asked them to think about our Massive Transformative Purpose, our MTP. The team provided some great perspectives. While each person viewed our company from a slightly different angle, one common theme re-emerged: we all wanted to make the world a healthier place. It was our original ‘why’.

But what does that mean? It’s so broad, so vague, and sometimes so daunting. When you take away all the technology, all the hype, it comes down to one thing.

At BurstIQ, we believe it starts with people. We believe that each person has an inherent dignity and that each person can make a difference. As individuals, as communities, as nations, we shape the world around us in a million different ways. The actions we take have ripple effects that influence our family, our community, our country, and our planet.

Our belief is that if each person takes small steps to make their own little part of the world a healthier place, that we Will eventually make the whole world a healthier place.

The BurstIQ platform is built for people and to empower people. Empower them to take control over their life and their health. Empower them with the information, resources, and access they need to live their healthiest, best life. Our belief is that if each person takes small steps to make their own little part of the world a healthier place, that we will eventually make the whole world a healthier place. Yes, we’re starting with healthcare. But making the world a healthier place also means bolstering community, education, financial stability, spirituality, technology equality, environment, and ways we have yet to imagine.

Looking back, that slump was a blessing. It was an opportunity for BurstIQ to renew our focus, reignite our passion, and regain our strength as a company. Our vision, our “why”, our Massive Transformative Purpose, became crystal clear again: make the world a healthier place.

And call us crazy, but that is exactly what we’re doing.